Our Bulldog Child Nutrition Team would like to inform district families of important changes and reminders regarding student meals. Please note the following information in regards to the breakfast and lunch programs:
QPS will return to paid meals: Schools had USDA waivers that provided flexibility during COVID so they could serve all kids free meals. Those waivers have expired, so many schools can no longer serve meals free. Instead, families will do what they did before COVID. Schools will take applications and use family income to qualify kids for free, reduce-price, or paid meals. QPS paid student meal prices for 2022/2023 school year are:
Breakfast: Prek-12th $1.00;
Lunch: Prek-6th $2.15 7th-12th $2.25
Payments to meal accounts: Cash or check may be sent with your student. Online debit/credit card payments are accepted through ezschoolpay. Ezschoolpay will require a student ID. Your student’s ID number is available upon request.
Why QPS requests ALL households to complete an application: We encourage all families to submit school meal applications. These applications are used for more than determining eligibility for free and reduced-price meals. This includes but is not limited to, determining education funding for the school or district, access to ACT testing at no cost to the family, reducing fees for college applications, access to free or reduced-priced meals when applicable, and access to discounted rates for internet services.
Meal applications may now be submitted online: We are excited to announce the online meal application option. This method is being provided in efforts to make the meal application process easier for our families. The following link will direct you step by step through the application. ezmealapp. The link is also available on Quitman School District website by selecting “our schools” then “cafeteria”. Please reach out to Child Nutrition Director Kelly Luster with any questions lusterk@quitman.k12.ar.us or 501-589-3156 ext.302. Paper applications are still available in elementary and high school offices and are included in the annual registration/enrollment packets